
Fall Festival 2016

April 15-23 2017 | play.xisumavoid.com

We are happy to announce that we will soon be opening the XVS Spring Festival 2017!

Our beautiful Spring Festival lobby was built by the talented MrPolymath, Loryl, LeDude77, and Fehl.

Scattered throughout the map are Easter Eggs. When you find one, right click it! To see which ones you found, do /eastereggs.

Special thanks to: DrMarky, fiixy, Autom, and manuelgu.


Build Competition

As per tradition, we will have a build competition that anyone can enter. Please keep the following in mind:

  • each plot must follow the theme: "Once upon a time...",
  • each plot is 51x51,
  • you must register before beginning,
  • only one player per plot/entry,
  • only one plot per player,
  • you may use WorldEdit,
  • copying builds or using Schematica (or similar) is strictly prohibited whether the copied build is yours, someone elses, previously built, or currently built.

Important: Once you have completed your plot, you must submit it here.

Community Plot

This festival, we would like to create a memory to keep in the plotworld to remember this special event by. As such, players will be able to decorate giant Easter eggs together during the duration of the festival!


We will be hosting a very large UHC for anyone who has a mic. However, there is a limit on how many players we can handle so please be sure to sign up ahead of time here if you know you will be able to make it on Saturday 15, 2017, at 7 PM BST/6 PM UTC/8 PM CEST/2 PM EDT. Members on our Discord will be given the opportunity to sign up with priority for being dedicated members in our community. If you are on the Discord, follow all instructions on there and do not sign up on the form provided on this website.


In each minigame, the player who gains the most diamonds over the course of the festival wins. However, a player cannot win in more than one minigame. In such an event, the player who gained the second most diamonds in the second minigame will become the winner for that minigame.